-- 4 --
The THROTTLE LEVER is u sed to select the
desired engine speed and tostop the engine. To
stop engine, move thethrottle lever to t he ST OP
The P RIMER B ULBremoves airfrom t hecar-
buretor and fuel lines and f ills them with fuel.
This allows you to start the engine with fewer
pulls on the starter rope. Activate the primer
bulb by pressing it andallowing it t o return to
its original form.
TheCHOKEhelps tosupply fuelto theengine
to aid in cold starting. The RUN position is
used forfull speedoperation.The 1/2position
is usedfora briefinitial warm-upperiodandto
set the engine at idle speed.
S Toreduce the risk ofhearing loss associat-
edwithsound level(s), hearingprotectionis
S Operate power equipment only a t reasonable
hours--not early in t he morning or l ate a t night
when people might bedisturbed. Comply with
times l isted in local ordinances. Usual recom-
mendations are 9:00 a .m. to 5 :00 p.m.,
Monday though Saturday.
S To reduce noise levels, operate power
blowers at the lowest possible throttle
speed to do the job.
S To reduce noise levels, limit the number of
pieces of equipment us ed at any one time.
S Use rakes and b rooms toloosen debris be-
fore blowing.
S In dusty conditions, slightly dampen sur-
faces when w ater is available.
S Conserve water by using power blowers
instead of hoses for many lawn and garden
applications, including areas such as gutters,
screens, p atios, g rills, p orches, and gardens.
S Watchoutfor children,pets, openwindows,
or fr eshly washed cars. Blow debris away
S Use the full blower nozzle extension so the
air stream can work close t o the ground .
S After using blowers and other equipment,
CLEAN UP! Dispose of debris in trash re-
WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel
information in the safety rules before you
begin. If you do not understand the safety
rules, do not attempt to fuel your unit. Call
WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly
when refueling.
This engine is certified to operate on un-
leaded gasoline. Before operation, gasoline
must be mixed with a good quality synthetic
2-cycle air-cooled engine oil designed to be
mixed at a ratio o f 40:1. Poulan/Weed Eater
brand synthetic oilis recommended. Mix gas-
oline and oil at a ratio of 40:1. A 40: 1 ratio is
obtained by mixing 3.2 ounces of oil with 1
gallon of unleaded gasoline. DO NOT USE
automotiveoilor boatoil.Theseoils willcause
engine damage. When mixing fuel, follow
instructions printed on container . Once oil is
added to gasoline, shake container momen-
tarily to assure that the fuel is thoroughly
mixed. Always read and follow the safety
rules relating to fuel before fueling your unit.
Experience indicates that alcohol blended
fuels (called gasohol or using ethanol or
methanol) canattract moisture which leadsto
separationand formationof acids duringstor-
age. A cidic gas can damage the fuel system
of anengine while instorage. To avoidengine
problems, empty the fuel systembeforestor-
age for 30 days or longer . Drain the gas tank,
start the engineand letitrun untilthefuellines
and carburetor are e m pty. Usefresh fuelnext
season. Never use engine or carburetor
cleaner pr oductsinthe fueltank orpermanent
damage may occur.
D To stop the engine, move the throttle lever
to the ST OP position.
WARNING: You MUST make sure
the tube is s ecure befor e using the unit.
D Fuel engine. Move at least 10 f eet ( 3 me-
ters) away f rom the fueling site.
D Hold the unit in the starting position as
shown. Make sure the blower end is di-
rected away from people, animals, glass,
and solid objects.
WARNING: When starting engine,
hold the unit as illustrated. Do not set unit on
any surface except a clean, hard area when
starting engine or while engine is running.
Debris such as gravel, sand, dust, grass, etc.
could be picked up by the air intake and