polarized extension cord will require
the use of a polarized wall outlet.This
plug willfitintothepolarized walloutlet
only one way. If plug does not fit fully
into the w all outlet, reverse the plug. If
it still d oes not fit, c ontact a qualified
electrician to install the proper wall
outlet. Do not ch ange the equipment
plug,extension cordreceptacle,orex-
tension cord plug in any way.
S To reduce t h e risk of el ectri cal shock,
use e xtensioncords speci fi call ymarked
as suit able for outdoor appliances. The
electr i cal rati ng of the cor d must n ot be
less than t he rati ng of t he unit. The cord
must be marked with the suf f i x “W - A” (i n
Canada, “W”). Make sure y our exten-
sion co r d is i n good c ondit i on. Inspect
extension c or d b efor euse and r epl ace if
damaged. An u nder si zed extension
sulti ngin loss o fpower and overheat i ng.
If in doub t, use the next heavier gauge.
The smaller the gauge number, the
heavier the cord. (NOTE: The correct
size to be used depending on the cord
length i s shown in thi s manual. See
in the AS-
S Do not us e multi ple cor ds.
S Ke ep the exten sion cord clear of opera-
tor a nd obstacles at a l l ti mes.
S Tie cord to cord retain er a nd connect to
recessed plug as shown in this manual
to prevent damage to unit and/or e xt en-
sion cord and to reduce the possibility of
the extension cord disconnecting fr om
the unit duri ng operat i on.
S Do not at t empt to r epairunit . Inspect t he
insulat i on and connectors on the unit
and extension cord before each use. If
there is any damage, do not use unti l
damage i s rep air e d b y your authori ze d
service dealer.
S Donotuse the unitif theswit ch does not
turn the unit on and off properly . Have
the unit repair ed by your aut hori zed ser-
vice d ea l er.
S Avoid accidental start ing. Be sure t he
switch is in th e
OFF positi on and keep
your hand and finger s away fr om the
switch while connecting t he unit to the
power sour ce or when car r yi ng a unit
connected to the power s our ce.
S Avoid an y bo dy co ntact wit h a ny
grounded conductor, such as metal
fences, or pipes, t o avoid the possibility
of el ectr i c shock.
S Gr ound Fault Circuit Interr upt er (GFCI)
protect i on s houldbe providedon the ci r-
cuit oroutl et to be used for this uni t . Re-
ceptacles ar e avail able having built- i n
GFCI pr ot ect i on and may be u sed for
this measure o f saf et y.
S St op t he m ot or immedi at ely if you are
This unit is double ins ulated to he lp
protect agains t electric shock. Double
insulation construction consists of two
separate “layers” of electrical ins ula-
tion instead of grounding.
Tools and appliances built with a
double insulation system are not in-
tended to be grounded. No grounding
means is provided on this unit, nor
should a means of grounding be add-
ed to this unit. As a result, the exten-
sion cord us ed with your unit can be
plugged into any standard 120 volt
electrical outlet. Safety precautions
must be observed when operating any
electrical tool. The double insulation
system only p rovides added protection
against injury resulting from an internal
electrical in sulation failure.
All electrical repai r s to this unit, i ncluding
housing, swit ch,motor, etc.,must be di ag-
nosed and repaired by qualif i ed ser vice
personnel. Replacement par t s for a
double insulat ed app l iance must be iden-
ticalto the p arts t he y replace. A do ub le i n-
sulated appliance is marked with the
words “ double insulation” or “ double insu-
lated” . The symbol
(square wit hi n a
square) may al so be marked on the ap-
pliance. Failure to have the unit r epair ed
by au t hor i zed s er vi ce personnel can
cause t he double insulat i on construction
to become i neffective and r esult inseri ous
S Do not set the unit on any surface ex-
cept a clean, har d area while t he unit is
running. Debri s such as gravel , s and,
dust , grass, etc. , could be pi cked up by
theairint akeand thr o w nout th roughthe
discharge opening, damaging the unit,
property, or causing serious injury to by-
standers or oper at or.
S Do not o ver r each or use from unst able
surfaces such as ladder s, trees, steep
slope s, rooftops, etc. Use extra care
when cleaning on stair way s. Keep firm
footing and ba lance at all ti me s. Keep
hands out of t ubes.
S Inspect the ent ir e uni t be for e each use
for worn, loose, missing, or damaged
parts. Do not use until the unit is i n
proper wor ki ng order.