S This unit is double insulated. See the
section. Have all internal s er vice per-
for med by qualified service repai r per-
sonnel to avoid cr eat i ng a hazar d or
voiding your warranty.
S Have all m ai ntenance o t her than the
recommended procedur es descri bed i n
the instructi on manual perfor med by
your author i zed service dealer.
S Always see your authori zed servi ce
dealer to replace a damaged impeller.
Partsthat are c hi pped, cr acked, broken,
or dam a ged i n any other w a y can fly
apart andcause seriousinjury. Replace
damaged parts befor e usi ng t he unit .
S Never p l ace any obj ect i n the air int ake
opening as thi s could r estr i ct proper a i r
flow and cau se da m a ge to the uni t.
S N everdouse the unitwith w ater orother
liqui ds orsquir twith a w at er hose.Clean
wit h a cl ean dry cloth. See
S Check air intake openings and tube fre-
quently, always wit h the unit stopped
and power source disconn ected. Kee p
vents and tube free o f debri s w hi ch can
accumulate and rest r i ct pr oper a i r fl ow.
S D o not burn, incinerate, or expose this
unit to extr em e heat.
S Store the uni t unp lugge d in a hi gh ,cool,
dry, indoor a r ea out of the r each of c hi l-
S Use only recommended attachments
and replacement parts t o avoid creating
a hazard an d/or voiding w a rranty.
S Maintain the unit according to recom-
mended p rocedures.
S Use only in dayli ght or in good arti f i cial
S I nspect the area bef or e using the unit.
Remove all debris and hard objects
such as rocks, glass , wi re, et c., t ha t can
ri cochet, be thr own, or ot her wi se cause
injur y or d amage duri ng oper ati on.
S Never run t he unit wi t hout the proper
equipment attached. When using the
blower, always install bl ower tube. Use
only recommended att achments.
S Toavoid spreadi ng fi r e,do notuse b low-
er near leaf or brush fi r es, fir eplaces,
barb ecue pits, ashtr a ys, etc.
S Never place objects i nsi de the blower
tube; al w ays direct the blowing debr i s
away fr o m people, an imals, glass, and
solid ob ject s s uch as trees, autom o-
biles, walls, etc. The force of air can
cause r ocks , di rt , or sti cks to be thr own
or to ricoch et wh ich can hurt peop le or
animals, break gl ass, or cause ot her
S Never use for s pr eading c hemi cals, fer-
tilizers, or any other substances which
may contain toxic materials.
This pr oductis listedby Underwr i t er sLab-
orator i es, Inc., in accordance with UL
St an da rd 10 17.
If sit u ati ons occur w hi ch ar e not covered
in thi s manual, use care and good judg-
ment. If you need a ssistance, cont act
your authori zed servi ce dealer or call
1--800--554--6723. Fai l ure to follow all
Safety Rules a nd Precautions can result
in se rious inj ury.
WARNING: I f recei ved a sse mb led,
ensur e your unit is properly assemble d
and all f astener s ar e secure.
1. Align thegrooves on the blowertube
with the grooves onthe bloweroutlet.
2. Push theblowertubeontotheblower
outletu ntilitsnap s into place (tubeis
secured by yellow tube release but-
3. To r emove t he bl ower tube, pr ess t he
tube release button while pulling on
Blower Tube
Blower outlet
Tube Release Button