
9. Turn the Carry Handle a quarter turn
counter-clockwise to its "unlocked"
position and remove Collection Bin Cover.
(See Figure 13c.)
10. Turn the Collection Bin upside down over a
trash can. Make sure you empty all dirt and
debris from above and below the Dirt
Arrestor. To ensure that all the dirt spills
out, tap the side of the Collection Bin
gently against the edge of the trash can.
(See Figure 12d.)
Health Tip
If you suffer from allergies or asthma, take the
Collection Bin outdoors to empty. As you
empty the dirt into the trash can, gently tap the
Collection Bin against the side of the can to
remove loose debris.
Emptying the Collection Bin
The Westinghouse WST1500 Vacuum Cleaner's
see-through Collection Bin fits inside a Storage
Compartment. It will fill up quickly, so it's a good idea
to empty it after every use.
1. Return your Vacuum Cleaner to its upright
AAllwwaayyss pprreessss tthhee OONN//OOFFFF BBuuttttoonn ttoo ttuurrnn tthhee
VVaaccuuuumm CClleeaanneerr OOFFFF bbeeffoorree yyoouu eemmppttyy tthhee
CCoolllleeccttiioonn BBiinn..
3. Unplug the Vacuum Cleaner.
4. Make sure that the swirling action inside your
Collection Bin has come to a complete stop.
5. Make sure the Rotary Brush has stopped moving.
6. Locate the Release Button on top of the
Carry Handle.
7. Press down on the Release Button and tilt away
the Collection Bin. (See Figure 12a.)
8. Holding the Carry Handle, grasp the bottom
of the Collection Bin. (See Figure 12b.)
Figure 12a
Figure 12b
Figure 12c
Figure 12d
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