Cleaning The HEPA Filter
The HEPA Filter will need cleaning once every
3 months to maintain optimal performance.
1. Locate the HEPA Filter. It's inside the
long, narrow Housing on the side of the
Vacuum Cleaner.
2. Slide the Louvered Cover of the Housing up
and off its Guide Rails. (See Figure 15a.)
3. The HEPA Filter fits snugly into the Filter
Housing. Pull the tabs at the top and the
bottom of the Filter to pull it away from the
machine. Gently pull the Filter out of the
Filter Housing. (See Figure 15b.)
4. Tap Filter gently against trash container to
free and eliminate excess dirt and debris.
WWee rreeccoommmmeenndd tthhaatt tthhee HHEEPPAA FFiilltteerr bbee cchheecckkeedd
eevveerryy 33 mmoonntthhss ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee.. UUnnddeerr
nnoorrmmaall cciirrccuummssttaanncceess,, tthhiiss FFiilltteerr wwiillll sseellddoomm
nneeeedd ttoo bbee rreeppllaacceedd..
5. Replace the HEPA Filter into its Housing.
Slide the Louvered Cover down into its
locked position.
Cleaning The Collection Bin Filter
To get the best possible performance from your
Vacuum Cleaner you should clean the Collection
Bin Filter after every use and wash once a
1. Remove the Collection Bin.
2. Pull out the Collection Bin Filter from
its nest in the Collection Bin Cover.
(See Figure 14.)
3. Remove the Foam Filter from the underside
of the Filter Assembly by grasping the
Plastic Post in the middle. Rinse in warm
water and dry completely.
4. Wash the Collection Bin Filter with warm
water and soap.
*For best results, immerse in soapy water
for 30 minutes.
5. Hold the Filter under running tap water until
water running out the bottom is clean and
there is no remaining soap.
6. Shake out excess water.
AAiirr--ddrryy tthhee CCoolllleeccttiioonn BBiinn FFiilltteerr tthhoorroouugghhllyy ffoorr
aatt lleeaasstt 2244 hhoouurrss..
8. Place the dry Foam Filter, with the larger
round end of the Foam Filter’s Plastic Post
into the bottom (the smaller end of the Post
remains visible) of the Collection Bin Filter.
Then insert the Collection Bin Filter back
into its storage nest inside the Collection
Bin Cover with the Foam Filter on the
Figure 14
The Foam Filter is nested in the bottom
of the Collection Bin Filter.
Figure 15a
Figure 15b
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