Troubleshooting Guide
Need help troubleshooting? Call 1--866--986--3223, Monday -- Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.
Tools Needed For Most Repairs: 5/16 Hex Driver, Phillips Screwdriver, Needle---nose Pliers
No Soft Water
1. No salt i n the storage tank. a. Refillwithsalt.
b. UseRechargefeature.
No Soft Water Timer
Display Blank
1. Transformer unplugged at wall outlet, orpower cable
disconnectedfr om backof electronicboard, transformer
a. Checkf or loss ofpower and correct. Resetelectronic controls
2. Fuse blown, circuit breaker popped, or circuit switched off.
(See page 24“Power Outage Memory”).
a. Replace fuse, reset circuit breaker, or switch circuit on use the
Recharge feature.
3. Electroniccontrol boarddefective. a. Replace Electronic Control Board (PWA). *
No Soft Water Salt Level
1. Salt in storage tank bridged. a. Refer to “Breaking aSalt Bridge” section tobreak.
Not Dropping
2. Manual bypassvalve(s) in bypassposition. a. Move stem in single valve bypass to service.
No Soft Water, Salt
Full Of
1. Dirty,pluggedor damagednozzle &venturi. a. Take apart,cleanand inspectnozzleand venturi,see
“Cleaningthe Nozzleand Venturi”section.
2. Valve drain hose plugged. a. Hose must not have any kinks, sharp bends or any water flow
blockage, see “Valve Drain Requirements”section.
3. Low or high system water pressure (low pressure may disrupt
brine draw duringrecharge, high pressures maycauseinner
valve partsfa ilu re).
a. If pressure is low , increase well pump output to a minimum 20
psi. Add a pressure reducing valve i n t he s upply pipe to t he
softener, if daytime pressure is over100 psi.C ontacta licensed
4. Brine valve float dirty or defective. a. Clean or replace Brine ValveFloat assembly. *
5. Leak between valvean d resin tank assembly. a. Replace o---rings between resin tank and valve. Seewater
softener components.
Water Hard Sometimes
1. Time setting wrong. a. Check and change time setting.
2. Incorrect water hardness setting. a. Refer to “SetWater HardnessNumber”section toset correctly.
3. Incorrectmodel code programmed. a. Refer to“Program The Water Softener” section toset correctly.
4. Hot water being used when softener is regenerating. a. Avoidusinghot water while thesoftener isregeneratingasthe
water heater will fill with hard water.
5. Possible increase in water hardness. a. Testthe raw water forhardness andiron andprogram the
water softener accordingly, see “Set Water Hardness Number”
section to set.
6. Leaking faucet or toilet valve. Excessivewater usage. a. A small leak will wastehundredsof gallons of waterin afew
days. Fix all leaksand always fully close faucets.
Iron In Water
1. Clear water iron in water supply. a. Testthe raw water forhardness andiron andprogram the
water softener accordingly s ee “ Set Water Hardness Number”
section to set.
2. Iron in soft water. a. Clean resin bed with Resin Bed Cleaner. Follow instructions on
3. Bacterial or organic bound iron. a. Cannotbe treatedby water softener.
Motor Stalled Or Clicking
1. Motordefectiveor innervalvedefect causing high torqueon
a. Replace rotor/seal kit.*
b. Replace motor &switch. Seewater softener components.
1. Wiring Harnessor Connection toPosition Switch. a. Replace wiring harness or connection to position switch. See
water softener components.
2. Switch. a. Replace switch. See watersoftener components.
3. Valve DefectCausing High Torque. a. Replace rotor/seal kit.*
4. Motor Inoperative. a. Replace motor. *
Error Code E5 appears
1. E lectronicControl. a. Replace Electronic Control Board (PWA). *
Assistance from customer service may be needed with the following problems and solutions.
Water Running To The
Soft Water Cycle)
1. Inner valvedefectcausingleak. a. Replace sealsand rotor.
Plumbing, Resin Tank
1. Crack i n distributor or riser tube. a. Replace distributor orrisertube.
Salt Storage Tank Leaking
1. Crackin brinetank. a. Replace saltstorage tank.
* Instructions included.
Procedure for removing error code from faceplate:
1. Unplug transformer from outlet.
2. Correct defect.
3. Plug in transformer.
4. Wait for 6 minutes. The error code will return if the defect was not corrected.