Factor into your diet the amount of sodium or potassium shown below, based on your w ater
hardness and consumption.
Sodium Added to Water from Cation ExchangeSoftening
Initial Water Hardness
Sodium added by Cation
Exchange Softening of Water*
Potassium added by Cation
Exchange Softening of Water**
Grains per Gallon Milligrams Na+/qt. Milligrams K+/qt.
1 7.5 12.75
5 37 62.9
6 44 74.8
7 52 88.4
8 60 102
9 68 115.6
10 75 127.5
15 112 190.4
20 150 255
30 225 382.5
40 300 510
*If your water supply is 15 grains hard and you drank 3 quarts of softened water you would
consume 335 milligrams of sodium. That is equivalent to eating 2--1/2 slices o f white bread.
**One large banana, about 9 inches in length, has a pproximately 600 milligrams of potassium.
2. Iron in water can cause stains on clothing and plumbing fixtures. It cannegatively affect the taste
of food, drinking water, andother beverages. Iron in water is measured in parts per million (ppm).
The total*ppm ofiron,andtype ortypes*, isdeterminedbychemicalanalysis.Four differenttypes
of iron in water are:
Ferrous (clear water),
Ferric (red water),
Bacterial and organically bound iron,
Colloidal and inorganically bound iron (ferrous or f erric).
*Water may contain oneor more of the four types of iron and any combination of these. Total iron
is the sum of the contents.
Ferrous (clear water) iron is soluble and dissolves in water . This water softener will remove
moderate amounts of this type of iron (see specifications). Ferrous (clear water) iron is usually
detectedby taking asample of w ater ina clear bottleorglass. Immediately after taking, the s ample
is clear. As the wa ter sample stands, it gradually clouds and turns slightly yellow or brown as air
oxidizes the iron. This usually occurs in 15 to 30 minutes.
When using t he softener to remove Ferrous (clear water) iron, add 5 grains to the hardness setting
for every 1 ppm of Ferrous (clear water) iron.