TW2000 10/6/05
8. Adjust chain length by squeezing or expanding links with pliers. Adjust
the chain so that the damper is open to the maximum of 11/16” without
putting any extra strain on the damper motor.
9. Install the aquastats and complete the wiring, plumbing, smoke pipe
and fire extinguishing tube installations as shown in the appropriate
electrical and plumbing diagrams.
10. IMPORTANT: Always test all functions under actual firing conditions
before leaving the site. Test especially for correct operation of damper,
limit and by-pass zone valve and circulator.
Note: If the KERR TW2000 boiler is installed above the radiation level, a low
water cut off is required. It should be installed on pipe tees positioned at the
supply and return points of the boiler.
Never leave start up to the homeowner. Explain the operations thoroughly
to the operator.
2.4.1 Combustion Air Supply
Air inlets of at least 200 square inches free area (1.5 in
/1000Btu) must be
provided to the room occupied by the wood fired or oil fired boiler. These fresh
air inlets must provide or allow free access of fresh outside air to the boiler. At
no time, or under any circumstances can a wood or oil burning appliance, be
starved of combustion air.
The appliance must at all times be able to maintain the approved stack draft.
The barometric draft regulator must be installed on the boiler smoke pipe in the
same room or at least in such a way that there is unrestricted free passage of air
between the combustion air inlet to the boiler or burner and the barometric draft
It is important to provide adequate combustion air to the boiler. It may be
necessary to add a ventilator to an exterior wall of a closed boiler room or an
airtight basement.
Operating a wood or oil fired appliance with inadequate combustion air could be