
TW2000 10/6/05
TW-2000 Parallel Plumbing Wiring Explanation TW-2
A) The wood system neutral is connected to the oil boiler neutral.
B) The line power for the wood boiler must come from the same power
disconnect switch as the oil boiler.
C) Single Aquastat (White Rodgers 1131-102) Metal 160°F
This operates the circulation pump to circulate hot water between the two
boilers when the wood boiler is in operation.
The N/O contacts on the single aquastat White Rodgers (1131-102)
should be connected to the secondary circulation pump between the wood
and oil boilers (as shown in plumbing diagram TW-1).
D) Double Aquastat (White Rodgers 1161-12) High Limit Left
This is the wood high limit. If the water temperature in the wood boiler
reaches 200°F the wood boiler air damper is closed and the safety by-
pass zone valve is opened. The end switch on the safety by-pass zone
valve makes a call for heat on the oil boiler triple aquastat, which starts the
primary circulator.
Metal 200°F
Brass 190°F
E) Double Aquastat (White Rodgers 1161-12) Low Limit Right
This is used to maintain the wood boiler at the set temperature by opening
and closing the wood boiler air damper.
Metal 170°F
Brass 150°F
F) The triple aquastat on the oil boiler controls the oil boiler in the normal
The safety by-pass zone is only shown in plumbing diagram TW-1. The safety
by–pass dump zone should be plumbed from the wood boiler in the case of high
limit condition or power outage. This will provide heat to the house by gravity
flow. The dump zone should be to the largest living area and it should be an area
above the wood boiler (for gravity flow during a power outage). Also this zone
shall NOT have any plastic piping such as in-floor heat, because the hot water
from the wood boiler may damage the tubing.
The supply from the wood boiler should only be connected to the plumbing
system after the primary circulator, and in conjunction with a flow check valve on
the wood supply line. This will not allow hot water to flow through the wood boiler
when the secondary circulation pump is not in operation (no fire in wood boiler).