3–22 975-0170-01-01
Sense Interval
Configurable setting This setting lets you adjust the interval between load sense pulses. The
longer the interval, the more power you will save. However, the longer
intervals may cause delays in the inverter powering up and starting your
loads. For more information on this feature, see “Load Sense Mode” on
page 2–6.
You can adjust Sense Interval settings as follows:
Cfg AC Limits (Configure AC Limits)
Cfg AC Limits is a sub-menu. If selected, a list of sub-menu items appear.
For more information on this sub menu, Configure AC Limits, see
page 3–24.
# Chg Stages
Full name Number of charge stages
Configurable setting These settings let you adjust your charger stages to either two-stage
charging or three-stage charging. The default setting for # Chg Stages is
3Stage. (See “Battery Charging Reference” on page B–1 for an
explanation of two-stage and three-stage charging.)
Sense Interval [1s]
Range of values Increment Default
1 to 25 seconds 1 second 1 second
# Chg Stages [3Stage]