4–8 975-0170-01-01
Table 4-3 provides a detailed description of the warning messages and
Table 4-3
Warning Messages
Number Message
Type Cause Solution
W0 FET1 over-temp.
Check airflow
around it.
Automatic FET1 Over
Temperature Warning
Ensure adequate ventilation
around the RS3000. Reduce the
AC loads.
W1 FET2 over-temp.
Check airflow
around it.
Automatic FET2 Over
Temperature Warning
Ensure adequate ventilation
around the RS3000. Reduce the
AC loads.
W2 Bulk cap. over-temp.
Check airflow
around it.
Automatic DC Bulk Capacitor
Over Temperature
Ensure adequate ventilation
around the RS3000. Reduce the
AC loads.
W3 Transf’r over-temp.
Check airflow
around it.
Automatic Transformer Over
Temperature Warning
Ensure adequate ventilation
around the RS3000. Reduce the
AC loads.
W4 Battery over-temp.
Check battery
Automatic Battery Over
Temperature Warning
Check battery voltage and
battery cable connections. Stop
charging, if necessary. Check
for excessive ambient
temperature and adequate
ventilation in the battery
W5 Over-temperature.
Check airflow
around it.
Automatic Ambient Over
Temperature Warning
Ensure adequate ventilation
around the RS3000. Reduce
charge rate or AC load.
W6 Too many AC loads.
Turn some off.
Automatic AC Overload Warning
Turn off some AC loads.
W7 You have enabled
system restart after
Automatic Auto Restart After
Fault Feature Enabled.
(This parameter is not
accessible through the
System Control Panel.
In the future, this
feature may be
configurable with
advanced panels.)
If in invert mode, the unit may
start up unexpectedly.
W8 You have enabled
battery equalization.
See manual.
Automatic Equalization Enabled
Make sure voltage sensitive
loads are disconnected from