n1 0* Function is deactivated from next page
boundary. Positioning is physical left
margin 2/10".
1 Function is activated from next page
boundary. Positioning is equal to IBM
printers. Compensation for the physical
left margin is always on.
n2 Valid values are:
1 Ignored
2 Tray 1
3 Tray 3
4 Manual feed
5 Tray 2
6 Tray 4
7-255 Reserved (optional feeder).
Data n2 is optional. If no n2 is defined, all trays
are selected.
Y90—Define User Escape String
@Y90, <n1>, <n2>@
Defines a number of escape sequences (ESC) followed by a HEX
number from (X'01' to X'FF'), 1 to 255 (in decimals) to be
substituted by a string. It is in effect as soon as it is received.
n1 User escape string number with valid values as
00 Erases strings.
01 to FF Hexadecimal user escape string
number in this format:
ESC Y90, <No. in HEX>, {string}: . . . :
<No. in Hex>, {string} ESC
n2 User escape string or text string in apostrophe
The maximum length of the ESC string is 255 bytes.
The escape sequence number must be stated in hexadecimal.
The strings substituting the short escape sequence are treated as
if sent using the Function Selection via Line.
The user escape strings may be used for several purposes:
• A short escape sequence (consisting of the escape character
and a number) may be substituted by a string. This string can
be made up of one or more escape sequences. These
escape sequence strings may then be used to change the
setup of the printer.
• The short escape sequence may also be substituted by a text
string to be inserted in the text. However, this method is
not recommended, as the result is not always predictable.