PDL Page Description Language. Language used to describe printing
jobs to a Laser Printing System (LPS). PDL describes the input
(type, format, characteristics), performs the processing functions
(logical processing), and describes the output (type format, font
selection, accounting options).
pitch Number of characters to the inch. (10 pitch is 10 characters per
inch; 12 pitch, 12 characters per inch, and so forth.)
POA Printer Output Area. The POA, which occupies locations 0 to
X'000F' of the PCIA, contains information regarding printer status
and configuration. The POA is written by the printer and read by
the cluster controller.
point Traditionally type is measured in points. One point is equal to
1/72 inch. 12-point type is roughly equal in size to 10 pitch
point size Height (measured in points) of a character set from the top of an
ascender, in uppercase character, to the bottom of a descender,
in a lowercase character.
port Communications connection from a computer to the printer,
suitable for attaching a single line. That portion of a computer
through which a peripheral device may communicate.
connection between the CPU and a peripheral device. See also
parallel port, serial port.
portrait Page orientation in which the output is printed parallel to the
shorter edge of the page. See also landscape.
power-up defaults Values that are in effect when the printer is powered up.
print density Relative darkness of print on the page. Very dense print appears
totally black. Less dense print looks lighter, and solid filled areas
may not be totally black.
printer commands Instructions sent to the printer through application software
programs, which change printing variables such as page
orientation, margins, and fonts.
proportional spacing (PS) Refers to a font in which each character cell is of a different
width, according to the size and shape of the letter.
RAM Random Access Memory. Memory used by a micro processor
that has the ability to read as well as write. Storage that allows
data (such as documents) to be stored and retrieved directly by
address location without reading through any other data.
reset To restore the printer to its default configurations. This may be
performed at the control panel or by command.