4 Job Status
Active Jobs
This screen allows you to view incomplete jobs that are waiting, in progress, or
suspended. It also allows you to view Secure Print, Sample Set, or Delayed Print
documents that are currently stored in the machine. You can see job attributes or
promote/delete jobs.
Press the <Job Status> button
on the control panel.
Select the [Active Jobs] tab.
NOTE: Use the scroll bar to switch
between screens.
Select a job to cancel or promote as required.
Print Waiting Jobs
Prints the jobs waiting in the incomplete jobs queue.
View by Job Type
Allows you to display only the selected type of jobs.
Displays the owner of each job.
Identifies each job by job number and type.
Displays the status of each job, such as printing, transferring, and sending.
Pop-up Menu
Selecting an active job in the [Active Jobs] screen displays the pop-up menu that allows
you to delete the job, release the job, or view the details of the job. The items displayed
on the menu are different depending on the job type and status.
• Delete - Deletes the job, or
displays a page that asks whether
or not to delete the job, depending
on the job type.
• Release - Prints the stored
• Promote - Processes the job immediately after the one that is currently being
• Job Details/Details - Displays a job screen where you can view the details of the job.
• Close Menu - Closes the pop-up menu.
Job Screen
A job screen allows you to view the details of a job or stored document and select the
following buttons. The content of the screen and the buttons displayed vary depending
on the service type and status of the job or stored document.