7 CentreWare Internet Services
Send as E-mail
The following table shows the information fields on the [Send as E-mail] page.
FTP Transfer
The following table shows the information fields on the [FTP Transfer] page.
Job Flow Sheet Name Displays the name of the job flow sheet.
Recipient Name 1 - 10 Enter the names of the recipients within 36 characters. You can
enter the names of up to 10 recipients.
Recipient Address 1 -
Enter the addresses of the recipients within 128 characters. You
can enter the addresses of up to 10 recipients.
Subject Enter the subject of the e-mail.
File Format Select the format of documents that will be attached to the e-mail.
WorkCentre 5225A/5230A:
•Auto Select (TIFF/JPEG)
• mTIFF (Multiple Pages per File)
• TIFF (File for Each Page)
• PDF Images (Multiple Pages per File)
• Optimize PDF For Fast Web View
WorkCentre 5222/5225/5230:
• mTIFF (Multiple Pages per File)
• TIFF (File for Each Page)
• PDF Images (Multiple Pages per File)
• Optimize PDF For Fast Web View
NOTE: For a description of each option, refer to File Format under
the Scan/E-mail chapter in the User Guide.
Job Flow Sheet Name Displays the name of the job flow sheet.
Name Enter the recipient name with up to 36 characters.
Server Name Enter the FTP server name or IP address of the transfer
Save in Specify the directory in which to save documents.
Login Name If the FTP server of the transfer destination requires user login, set
the login name of the server with up to 32 characters.
Password If the FTP server of the transfer destination requires password
entry, set the password to the server with up to 32 characters.