Fault Codes
018-735 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 35 (is leaf) during the
address book query. The object specified is a leaf node. Check the LDAP server
018-736 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 36 (alias dereferencing
problem) during the address book query. The error occurred while dereferencing
an alias. Check the LDAP server status.
018-748 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 48 (inappropriate
authentication) during the address book query. Inappropriate authentication was
specified. Check the LDAP server authentication settings.
018-749 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 49 (invalid credentials)
during the address book query. Invalid credentials (user name or password)
were specified. Check the user name and password. Check the LDAP server
authentication settings.
018-750 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 50 (insufficient access
rights) during the address book query. User has insufficient access to perform
the operation. Check the LDAP server access rights.
018-751 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 51 (busy) during the
address book query. The server is too busy. Wait a while, then repeat the same
operation. Contact the network administrator if the problem persists.
018-752 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 52 (unavailable) during
the address book query. The server is unavailable. Wait a while, then repeat the
same operation. Contact the network administrator if the problem persists.
018-753 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 53 (unwilling to
perform) during the address book query. The server is unwilling to perform the
operation. Wait a while, then repeat the same operation. Contact the network
administrator if the problem persists.
018-754 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 54 (loop detect) during
the address book query. A loop was detected (service-related problem). Check
the LDAP server service operating status.
018-764 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 64 (naming violation)
during the address book query. A naming violation occurred (update-related
problem). Check the LDAP server status.
018-765 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 65 (object class
violation) during the address book query. An object class violation occurred
(update-related problem). Check the LDAP server status.
018-766 An LDAP server protocol error occurred in the address book operation. The
server returned the RFC2251 specification protocol error 66 (not allowed on
nonleaf) during the address book query. The operation is not allowed on a
nonleaf object (update-related problem). Check the LDAP server status.
Code Description and Remedy