Parameter Option Description
Trapping Enable trapping Applies trapping to your job.
Trapping is a solution that solves misregistration between
color separations in both offset and digital printing.
Misregistration can occur regardless of a printing device's
accuracy and results in white lines around objects on top of
a background (in a knockout) and also between adjacent
Note: If you don't select this option, it does not affect
trapping incorporated in DTP software—for example, Adobe
Photoshop. The CX print server trapping should not be
used with the trapping options included in DTP software. In
a PostScript file that already contains trapping from the
originating application, it is not necessary to use CX print
server trapping.
Provides the following options:
Frame thickness—Enables you to set a value for the
thickness of the trapping frame. The thicker the frame,
the less chance that white areas appear between
Protect small text—Does not frame text that is 12
points or less when the trapping algorithm is applied.
You can use this option for small or complex images,
since thicker frames can decrease quality by hiding
parts of an image.
Black overprint Ensures that black text prints cleanly within a tint or picture
area. The text appears in a richer, deeper black, with the
underlying CMY values equal to those of the printed
Quality tab in the job parameters window 99