3. From the Tools menu, select Use JT Settings From and in
the list that appears, click the server that you just added.
The following message appears if unsaved changes were
made to the current open job ticket:
Are you sure you want to change the displayed
server without changing the template?
4. Click Yes.
5. Set the required job parameters.
6. Click Save.
7. In the dialog box, type a name for the job ticket, and click
The job ticket is saved in the path defined in the Preferences
window. The default path is C:\Documents and Settings\All
\FactoryDevice\JT files.
Loading job parameters from a selected server
The server from which you want to load job parameters must be in
the Creo Color Server Job Ticket list of servers.
1. From the Tools menu, select Use JT Settings From.
2. In the list that appears, click the server from which you want to
load job parameters.
A check mark appears next to the selected server, and the Creo
Color Server Job Ticket software loads the appropriate job
parameters window.
Submitting a file with job ticket for printing
You can only submit a file for printing with a job ticket that contains
the required job parameters. For more information, see the
Connecting Prinergy to the Creo Color Server Connectivity Guide.
1. In the Creo Color Server Job Ticket software main window,
click Submit.
2. In the Name box, type the name of the job ticket.
3. Click Browse.
132 Chapter 13—Working with color server tools on your computer