
Network Configuration
WorkCentre 7755/7765/7775 Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide
Web Services for Devices (WSD) is technology from Microsoft that provides a standard method for
discovering and using network connected devices. It is supported in Windows Vista and Windows
Server 2008 operating systems. WSD is one of several supported communication protocols.
Enabling WSD
Note: If your printer is locked, you must log in as a system administrator. For details, see Accessing
CentreWare IS on page 17.
1. In CentreWare IS, click Properties > Services > WSD (Web Services for Devices).
2. Under WSD Services, select Enabled.
3. Under WSD Services Selection, select the WSD services you want to enable.
a. WS-Discovery: WS-Discovery supports the discovery of services in an ad hoc network with a
minimum of networking services, such as DNS, UDDI, or other directory services. It does this
by announcing or advertising the existence of the printer and its services on the network
when it becomes available, and announcing its departure when unavailable.
The default state is Enabled.
The default port number is 3.
When disabled, WSD does not respond to WS-Discovery requests.
Disabling WSD-Discovery does not disable or prevent access to CentreWare IS.
b. WS-Discovery Multicast: If enabled, this setting allows the printer to use Multicast to
respond to and announce the service URLs provided by the printer to the client computers on
the network. The default state is selected.
The assigned port number is identical to that of WS-Discovery.
IPv4 multicast address:
IPv6 multicast address: FF02::C (link-local scope)
WS-Discovery must be enabled for WS-Discovery Multicast to be available for selection.
WS-Discovery Multicast should be disabled if your network uses a discovery proxy to
handle multicast group communication to reduce overall WS-Discovery traffic.
c. WS-Print: If enabled, this setting allows the printer’s print capabilities to be announced
through WS-Discovery.
The default state is selected.
The default port number is 53303.
Note: If WS-Print is disabled, print capabilities are not discoverable and printing is not possible
through any WSD port.
d. WS-Transfer: If enabled, this setting lets you specify an alternate communication port
number used for metadata exchange with WSD clients. WS-Transfer defines how to invoke a
simple set of familiar verbs, such as Get, Post, Put, and Delete, using SOAP. The default port
number is 53202.