
WorkCentre 7755/7765/7775 Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide
6. Type the appropriately formatted address and port number. The default port number is 137.
7. To specify any alternate domains and controllers, type the IP addresses, host names, domains,
and port numbers in the Alternate Domains (Optional) fields.
8. Click Save.
Configuring Authentication Server Settings for NDS (Novell)
If your printer is locked, you must log in as a system administrator. For details, see
Accessing CentreWare IS on page 17.
Netware must be enabled. For details, see NetWare on page 48.
1. On the Authentication Configuration page, click Configure next to Authentication Server.
2. Under Authentication Type, select NDS (Novell).
3. Under Default Tree/Context (Required), type the details in the NDS Tree and NDS Context
4. Under Alternate Tree/Context (Optional), type the details in the NDS Tree and NDS Context
fields, if required.
5. Click Save.
Configuring Authentication Server Settings for LDAP
Note: If your printer is locked, you must log in as a system administrator. For details, see Accessing
CentreWare IS on page 17.
1. On the Authentication Configuration page, click Configure next to Authentication Server.
2. Under Authentication Type, select LDAP.
3. To configure LDAP settings, click LDAP Settings. For more details, see LDAP on page 38.
Authentication Using a Card Reader System
Setting Up Authentication Using Xerox Secure Access or Common Access Card/PIV
Before you begin:
Enable Secure HTTP (SSL). For details, see Enabling HTTP on page 44.
Enable the Authentication & Authorization Configuration Web Service. For details, see
Authentication on page 54.
Install the Xerox Secure Access authentication server and configure with user accounts. Refer to
the authentication server documentation for help.
Note: Accounts created on the Xerox Secure Access authentication server must match accounts
stored in the printer’s local database or in another network authentication server.
Connect and configure your card reader.
To configure authentication using Xerox Secure Access: