Setting Parameters in the Job Parameters Window 183
3. Do one of the following actions:
• Select the Protect Small Text check box to prevent the trapping of
any text that is 12 points or smaller.
• Clear the Protect Small Text check box to trap all text elements.
Black Overprint
¾ Select Yes to ensure that black text prints cleanly within a tint or
picture area.
The text appears in a richer, deeper black, with the underlying CMY values
equal to those of the printed background.
PS Overprint
¾ Select Yes to use the overprint information in the Postscript file.
This parameter also determines whether the DTP application overprint
settings are honored in the RIP.
The Color Tab
The Color tab provides you with tone compression tools such as
brightness, contrast, and gradation, as well as color tools, including
rendering intent, ink saving, and RGB and CMYK workflows. In addition,
you can select various screening methods for your job.
Tip: Apply the Protect Small Text option to small or complex images to ensure
their quality is not decreased.