SNA IPDS and SCS Priting from MVS or VM
Xerox 4500 PS TR
(If you have created a new PU profile in main step 4) you should choose
this one, e.g. IDAPROF. If not, choose the existing PU profile)
c) Choose the LU to be used by the first Xerox 4500 PS TR.
d) Press <ESC> three times
You have now completed the configuration of the NetWare SAA Gateway.
To activate the new configuration, please restart the SAA gateway. This is
done by issuing the following command from an RCONSOLE session:
unload nwsaa
load nwsaa
In most cases it will also be necessary to restart the SAA gateway in
VTAM. This is done by issuing the following commands on the host
operator console:
V NET,ACT,ID=puname
1. Start the cscon.exe program and do the following:
choose <configure for host connections>
choose <configure host PU profiles>
choose <configure for host connections>
select the profile for the Xerox 4500 PS TR
choose <configure dependant LUs>
In the panel displayed you should now have the following:
002 (0x02) Printer luname No Mapped: puname
The luname is the name defined for the VTAM printer, defined in step 6..
The category MUST be ‘mapped’
The ‘puname’ MUST be the name of the downstream PU defined in step 5.
If the above is not true, you need to reconfigure your definitions.
The above information can also be found using CSTATUS.
2. When starting NWSAA, the following message should be on the
NWSAA console:
3-10-96 22.28.08 NWSAA-7.0-2100BD [SNACP] Informational
A link definition to remote LLC8022 node 00036e001cfb-04 on adapter
ETHERNET1 has been opened.