Selected FSL Functions
Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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11.7.4 Selecting duplex printing
The duplex command (Y19) has one parameter with three different settings:
Setting Description
0 No duplex printing
1 Duplex, long-edge binding
2 Duplex, short-edge binding
See the paragraph below on how to select duplex printing. You send the
command as follows:
&&??% %Y19,<n1>% &&??<space>
The command &&??% selects the character "%" as the escape character.
The escape character is a signal to the interface that the data stream
following is a command stream. The last command in the above line (&&??
<space>) erases the escape character again.
You cannot save the duplex command in the permanent memory.
11.7.5 Orientation
As mentioned above, you can combine the duplex function with the
orientation (or paper format) function Y10 and select various binding options.
The orientation command has two parameters where you only need to use
the first. The first parameter has several different settings:
Setting Description
0 Portrait
1 Landscape
2 Computer Output Reduction (COR)
82 COR regardless of PPM print quality
You should not select different settings for the front and the back of a
sheet of paper.
For a more detailed description of the settings, you are referred to the
chapter on selecting paper formats.