PC Support Virtual Printer
Xerox FS 5250, User’s Guide
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13. PC Support Virtual Printer
In addition to its normal use in connection with a midrange computer, the
interface may also be used as an ordinary PC printer by a PC equipped with
a 5250 communication card and software. This facility is called the IBM PC
Support Virtual Printer .
Printer data streams from a PC will be printed as requested on the printer
connected to the Xerox FS 5250.
All necessary conversions are performed by the IBM PC Support software
and the Xerox FS 5250.
This provides easy access to resources available through the Xerox FS
5250 such as fonts and overlays. It also facilitates the use of the printer con-
nected to the Xerox FS 5250 as a printer for desk top publishing etc.
Please refer to:
IBM PC Support User Guides and Technical Reference for further informa-
IBM System/36 PC Support User's Guide, SC21-9088
IBM System/38 PC Support User's Guide, SC21-9089
IBM AS/400 PC Support User's Guide, SC21 -8092