Management Objects Console Telnet Web SNMP
Port state - enable/disable Yes Yes Yes Ye s
Port status - link, speed Yes Yes Yes Yes
Port static counters Yes Yes Yes Yes
Device Mac address information Yes Yes Yes Yes
System firmware version information Yes Yes Yes -
System hardware version information Yes Yes Yes -
System default configuration version Yes Yes Yes -
G1, G2 module information Yes Yes Yes Yes
F23, F24 module information Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cooling Fan1 Fan2 status Yes Yes Yes Yes
LACP status Yes Yes Yes -
IGMP snooping information - - Yes -
Stacking configuration - - Yes -
Stacking switches monitoring - - Yes -
RFC 1213 MIB-2 objects - - - Yes
RFC 1493 Bridge MIB - - - Yes
RFC 1271 RMON MIB (group 1,2,3,9) - - - Yes
Trap Events
The table below lists the events the device will generate SNMP traps.
Generic: RFC1157 generic, Specific: EnterpriseSpecific
Type Trap Event
Generic Cold Start Device bootup
Generic Authentication SNMP authentication failure
Generic Port link change Port link down
Ge neric Port link change Port link recovery
Specific Fan1 failure Cooling Fan1 failure warning
Specific Fan1 failure Cooling Fan1 failure recovery
Specific Fan2 failure Cooling Fan2 failure warning
Specific Fan2 failure Cooling Fan2 failure recovery