
This page is used to configure a stack information in this master unit. The configuration includes:
Stack Name - Give a name to this stack
Master Name - Give a name to the master unit of the stack. The name is used for identifying each unit in a
stack easily.
Configure other members in the stack:
Member Unit No. - the sequence number of each member unit
Name - Give an identified name to the member unit
IP address - The IP address of the member unit
Username - The login username of the member unit
Password - The password of the member unit
Click [Apply] to confirm the setup for member unit #2 to unit #8.
Click [Reset] to clear all settings of the stack.
Click [Next] to switch to next configuration page for member unit #9 to unit #16. The setup is same as this
All information is stored in the master switch for stack management. To enter stack management, click
[Stacking] in main menu. Refer to next section for stack management operation.
If the setup information of a member unit is incorrect, the associated unit will not be able to be connected
and managed.