Using the Solo Function 121
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Control Room Monitoring
This parameter determines the source of the Input Channel Solo signal: Pre Fader or
After Pan. When Pre Fader is selected, turning on the PAN button below the Pre Fader
option will solo the channel with the pan position specified by the Pan setting even if the
source precedes the fader. This parameter is effective only in Recording Solo mode.
This parameter enables you to trim the level of the Solo signal in the range of –96 dB to
+12 dB.
When this parameter is set to Off, soloed channel signals are not fed to the Control
Room Monitor outputs. To monitor the Control Room Monitor signals and soloed
channel signals separately, change the output patching so that the soloed channel signals
are output independently from the Control Room Monitor outputs, then turn the Solo
Interruption parameter to Off.
For Mixdown Solo mode, Input Channels can be configured individually so that they
are not muted when other Input Channels are soloed (Solo Safe function). Signals from
Input Channels with the SOLO SAFE CHANNEL button turned on are always fed to the
Stereo bus, regardless of the channels’ Solo function status. You can clear all Solo Safe
settings by turning on the ALL CLEAR button.
When this check box is checked, you can solo or unsolo Aux Sends using the AUX
SELECT [AUX 1] - [AUX 8] buttons without having to switch to the Master layer (see
page 107).
If this check box is checked, you can unsolo the channels by raising the channel faders
that were at the level of –∞ when the Solo function was turned on. If the faders were set
to higher than –∞, the channels cannot be soloed. This setting is not effective in Mix-
down Solo mode and for Output Channels.
Using the Solo Function
You can solo and monitor Input Channels, Aux Out 1–8, and Bus Out 1–8 using the
[SOLO] buttons on the top panel.
1 Press the MONITOR [DISPLAY] button repeatedly until the Monitor | Solo
page appears.
2 Set the SOLO parameter to On and the SOLO INTERRUPTION parameter to
Set other parameters on the page, if necessary.
Tip: For example, if you set the internal effects processor’s return signal to Solo Safe, you
can monitor the soloed “processed (or wet)” signals.
Note: When you check the AUX/SOLO LINK or FADER/SOLO RELEASE check box, the
Solo setting is temporarily cancelled.