Setting Preferences 267
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Other Functions
• Auto PAN/SURROUND Display
If this check box is on, the Pan/Surr pages appear automatically when you operate the Joy-
stick in the SELECTED CHANNEL section. If you want to use the Joystick to adjust the pan
setting, turn on this check box. In Stereo Surround mode, operating the Joystick enables
you to adjust the Pan setting. Otherwise, it enables you to adjust the Surround Pan settings.
• Auto EQUALIZER Display
If this check box is on, the EQ | EQ Edit page appears automatically when you press an
EQ-related button in the SELECTED CHANNEL section.
• Auto SOLO Display
If this check box is on, the Monitor | Solo C-R page appears automatically when you solo
an Input Channel.
• Auto WORD CLOCK Display
If this check box is on, the DIO | Word Clock page appears automatically if the cur-
rently-selected external wordclock source fails.
• Auto Channel Select
If this check box is on, you can select a channel by moving the corresponding fader or
Encoder, or by turning on the corresponding channel [SOLO], [ON], or [AUTO] button.
• Store Confirmation
If this check box is on, the Title Edit window to input a Scene or library memory name
appears when you store a Scene or library memory.
• Recall Confirmation
If this check box is on, a confirmation window appears when you recall a Scene or library
• Patch Confirmation
If this check box is on, a confirmation message appears when you edit the Input and Output
• Pair Confirmation
If this check box is on, the confirmation message appears when you create or cancel a pair.
• Nominal Pan
If this check box is checked, and when Input Channel signals are panned hard left or hard
right, the signals on the left/odd channels and right/even channels will be at the nominal
level. If this check box is not checked, these signals will be boosted by 3 dB. (When the sig-
nals are panned to center, they will be at the nominal level.) In Surround mode, the same
thing applies when any Surroound pan channel is panned hard left or right.
• Fast Meter Fall Time
If this check box is on, the level meters fall more quickly.
• TC Drop Warning
If this check box is on, a warning message appears if a dropout is detected in the incoming
• DIO Warning
If this check box is on, a warning message appears when any errors are detected in digital
audio signals received at the Slot 1 or 2, or 2TR Digital Inputs.
• MIDI Warning
If this check box is on, a warning message appears when any errors are detected in the
incoming MIDI messages.