PM5D/PM5D-RH V2 / DSP5D Owner’s Manual Reference section 175
Information shown
in the display
SCENE function
Here you can store/recall scenes.
A Scene list
This is a list of the stored scenes. For each scene, the fol-
lowing items are displayed. (To view
and subsequent items, scroll the list to the right.)
B (Scene number)
This is the scene number 0–500. You can click this icon
to reverse the order in which the scenes are sorted.
This is the name assigned to each scene. You can click
the TITLE button to sort the scenes in order of their
titles. When you click the button at the left, a win-
dow will appear, allowing you to edit the title.
D (Protect)
For each scene, this button specifies whether the scene
will be protected and read-only.
• Protect (lock) symbol
The scene cannot be overwritten.
•R (read only) symbol
In addition to the above Protect setting, it will be
impossible to overwrite the scene by loading a file, etc.
This setting can be made only for consecutive scene
numbers starting at scene number 000.
• If LINKED LIBRARY PROTECTION is turned on in the
UTILITY function PREFERENCE 1 screen, libraries that are
linked to READ ONLY scenes will also be protected, but
they will be overwritten when a file is loaded.
• Read Only settings will not be loaded. If you load after initializ-
ing the memory, you’ll have to re-make the Read Only settings.
• No symbol
The scene is not protected in any way.
E SEL.RECALL (Selective recall)
For each scene, you can specify whether the Selective
Recall function will be used when recalling the scene. If
the Selective Recall function is enabled (➥ p.180),
scenes for which this button is turned on can recall
only specific parameters. (Alternatively, you can
exclude only specific parameters from the recall.)
If the scenes are sorted in order of TITLE, a check mark
is displayed for scenes for which this is turned on. If the
scenes are sorted in numerical order, a downward or
upward arrow is displayed for scenes for which this is
turned on; this makes it easy to see which was the origi-
nal scene prior to selective recall.
F Library link
This area shows the number and title of the INPUT
PATCH library, OUTPUT PATCH library, and HA
library used by each scene. You can click the button
at the left to access a window that lets you change the
library number that is linked. The LINK button for
each library determines whether library recall opera-
tions will be linked to scene recall operations.
If the LINK button is on (this column indicates
“LINK”), the library of the corresponding number will
also be recalled when you recall that scene. A library
whose LINK button is off will not change when you
recall that scene.
In this column you can enter or view a comment for the
scene. A text input window will appear when you move
the cursor to the COMMENT field and press the
[ENTER] key, or when you click the button at the left.
Indicates the time at which the scene was last stored, in
the format of month/day/year/hours/minutes/seconds.
Specifies a MIDI message that will be transmitted from
the MIDI OUT connector when the scene is recalled.
When you click the button at left a window will
appear, allowing you to input a MIDI event in hexa-
decimal form (➥ p.128).
SCENE screen