Warning Messages
378 PM5D/PM5D-RH V2 / DSP5D Owner’s Manual Reference section
Parameter Locked. Parameter Lock has been enabled.
Parameter Unlocked. Parameter Lock has been defeated.
This Parameter is Locked. The parameter you attempted to control is locked.
Channel Copied. The selected channel settings were copied to the memory buffer.
Channel Pasted. The channel settings in the memory buffer were pasted to the selected channel.
Nothing to Paste! Paste cannot be performed because there is no data in the memory buffer.
Cannot Paste to Different Channel Type. Paste cannot be performed because you are attempting to paste channel settings of a different type.
No Card in Slot! No memory card is inserted in the MEMORY CARD slot.
File Already Exist!
The memory card already contain a file/directory with the same name as the one you are attempting to
save, rename, or create.
Saving Aborted. Saving to memory card was aborted.
Loading Aborted. Loading from memory card was aborted.
No Controllable Gain. You attempted to operate a gain knob that is currently disabled on the panel.
Tap Operation Ignored. Tap operation was ignored because the TAP TEMPO button is not displayed in the screen.
Cascade Unit Disconnected. The connection with a cascade-connected external device was broken.
Additional Cascade Unit Detected. A cascade-connected external device was newly detected.
Incorrect Cascade Connection! The connection is not appropriate for the cascade settings.
Couldn’t Store Scene on Slave Console!
The cascade-connected slave console was unable to store the scene because the scene was protected on
the slave console, or for some other reason.
Couldn’t Edit Scene on Slave Console!
The cascade-connected slave console was unable to edit the scene because the scene was protected on
the slave console, or for some other reason.
DME Disconnected. The connection with an external DME was broken.
No Response from External HA. No response from an external AD8HR or AD824.
Processing Aborted. A process was aborted.
Internal Power Supply is Turned On. (DSP5D only) The internal power supply started up normally.
Illegal Address! (DSP5D only) The IP address or gateway address setting is invalid.
Load Locked. LOAD LOCK is on, and file loading from memory card is prohibited.
Load Unlocked. LOAD LOCK is off, and file loading from memory card is possible.
DME Unsupported Firmware Version. A DME operating with an unsupported firmware version was connected.
DME Unsupported Component Version. A DME containing a component of an unsupported version was connected.
DME DSP Power Shortage. The DSP resources of the DME are insufficient.
Corrupted data fixed!
Illegal parameter values that exceeded the valid range have been correct to stay within the allowable
Parameter out of range! While reading from a memory card, there was a parameter value that exceeded the allowable range.
Channel Moved. Channel settings have been moved between the selected channels.
Message Meaning