
Voice List & Polyphony Information
The QR10 has 28-note “polyphony.” This simply means that it can produce a maximum of 28 notes at the same time. If the
maximum polyphony is exceeded — this includes all notes on the accompaniment and melody tracks — some of the notes will
be truncated and will therefore not sound. Also note that some of the voices listed below use more than one “element” (the
“EL” column). Each element uses one polyphony note, so when notes having multiple elements are used the maximum
polyphony is actually less than 28 notes.
NO. Category Voice name EL
0 PIANO Acoustic Grand Piano 1
1 Bright Acoustic Piano 1
2 Electric Grand Piano 2
3 Honky-tonk Piano 2
4 Electric Piano 1 1
5 Electric Piano 2 2
6 Electric Piano 3 1
7 Electric Piano 4 2
8 Clavi. 1
9 MALLET Glockenspiel 1
10 ORGAN Percussive Organ 1
11 Rock Organ 1
12 Pipe Organ 2
13 Accordion 2
14 GUITAR Acoustic Guitar (steel) 1
15 Acoustic Guitar (12strings) 2
16 Electric Guitar (jazz) 1
17 Electric Guitar (clean1) 1
18 Electric Guitar (clean2) 2
19 Electric Guitar (clean3) 2
20 Electric Guitar (12strings) 2
21 Electric Guitar (muted1) 1
22 Electric Guitar (muted2) 2
NO. Category Voice name EL
23 GUITAR Distortion Guitar 1 2
24 Distortion Guitar 2 2
25 Distortion Guitar 3 2
26 BASS Acoustic Bass 1
27 Electric Bass (finger1) 1
28 Electric Bass (pick) 1
29 Fretless Bass 1
30 Slap Bass 1
31 Synth Bass 1 1
32 Synth Bass 2 1
. Tremolo Strings 2
34 String Ensemble 1 1
35 String Ensemble 2 2
36 String Ensemble 3 2
37 Synth Strings 2
38 Hit Strings 2
39 Voice Oohs 2
40 Orchestra Hit 1
41 BRASS&REED Trombone 1
42 Brass Section 2
43 Synth Brass 2
44 Tenor Sax 1
45 SYNTH LEAD Synth Lead 1 (square) 2
NO. Category Voice name EL
46 SYNTH LEAD Synth Lead 2 (saw tooth) 2
47 Synth Lead 3 (fifth) 2
48 Synth Lead 4 (bass+lead) 2
49 SYNTH PAD Synth Pad 1 (bell strings) 2
50 Synth Pad 2 (piano) 2
51 Synth Pad 3 (seq.) 2
52 Synth Pad 4 (new age) 2
53 Synth Pad 5 (warm) 2
54 Synth Pad 6 (choir&string) 2
55 Synth Pad 7 (analog) 2
56 Synth Pad 8 (steam) 2
57 Synth Pad 9 (swish) 2
58 Synth Pad 10 (bell) 2
59 Synth Pad 11 (harpsichord) 2
60 Synth SFX 1 (soundtrack) 2
61 Synth SFX 2 (crystal) 2
62 Synth SFX 3 (atmosphere) 2
63 Synth SFX 6 (sci-fi) 2
64 ETHNIC Banjo 1
65 Kalimba 1
66 OTHERS Tinkle Bell 2
67 Breath 1
68 Reverse Cymbal 1
Total Reset Procedure
The following procedure can be used to reset all QR10 parameters to their initial default settings, and clear all user memory
(user patterns and songs — the combination patterns are reset to their default contents).
This procedure will erase any patterns and songs you have recorded! Be sure to save data you
want to keep to an MIDI storage
device such as the Yamaha MDF2 MIDI Data Filer before carrying out the total reset procedure.
1 Turn the QR10 power OFF.
2 Turn the power on while holding the [PHRASE 1], [PHRASE 2], and [PATTERN SELECT] keys. “INIT” will appear
briefly on the display before the normal PATTERN mode display.