
1: QR10 Features & Applications
The QR10 is a new concept in musical accompaniment. For the first time ever it gives singers, guitarists, and
other performers fully orchestrated backing that’s easy to produce and fun to use. Most important of all, the QR10
doesn’t require any keyboard skills or programming ability. Accompaniments are created by playing “patterns” and
changing chords manually in real time, or by recording the required pattern and chord changes in the form of
complete “songs” that can then be played back as required. Selecting patterns and changing chords is a simple
process that can be learned in just a few minutes. Recording the pattern and chord changes is no more difficult.
Many other easy-to-use features give the QR10 the versatility needed to create accompaniments for all types of
music and performance styles.
Here are a few of the QR10’s most important features …
50 preset accompaniment patterns covering a wide variety
of musical styles that you can simply select and play. Each
pattern has six variations that can be selected at the touch
of a button: introduction, normal, variation, fill-in 1, fill-in
2, and ending. All patterns have two chord parts, a bass
part, and a rhythm part (> page 10).
Change chords simply by pressing large, clearly-marked
keys on the QR10 panel (> page 14).
24 chord types are provided — from simple major and
minor triads to jazz-style tension chords (> page 16).
40 “combination patterns” let you easily combine the chord
1, chord 2, bass, and rhythm parts from different patterns to
create an endless variety of new patterns (> page 36).
10 fully-programmable patterns are provided for those who
want to program totally original patterns from scratch
(> page 37).
69 superb normal voices and 60 percussion voices —
change the voices in the preset patterns as required, and
assign them to your combination and original patterns
(> page 17).
Built in “sampler” function lets you record two different
sounds — either via the built-in microphone or line-in jack
— that can be selected and used in patterns in the same
way as the preset voices (> page 19).
Song mode includes 50 preset songs with common chord
progressions that you can simply select and play or practice
along with (> page 23).
50 programmable songs can be used to store patterns and
chord progressions that you specify (> page 28).
Songs are recorded by simply changing patterns and chords
in real time — no complex step-record or editing proce-
dures required (> page 28).
A unique “Chord Progression” recording mode makes it
simple to enter even complex chord progressions with
perfect timing (> page 33).
Two “phrase” keys play special phrases individually
programmed for each preset song: 50 preset songs × 2
phrase keys = 100 phrases (> page 26).
Built in speaker lets you play without the need for external
equipment and cables (> page 8).
Input jack accepts guitar or keyboard input so you can play
along with the QR10 without additional amplification
(> page 4).
Here are a few ideas on how you can use the QR10. There’s no way we can cover all possibilities, but the ideas
presented might help to spark some new and interesting applications.
A Super Practice Tool Create accompaniments that you can practice with on your guitar, keyboard, or any
other instrument (vocals too, of course). That way you have the advantage of practicing
with a bass line and chords instead of just a metronome or drum machine.
Accompaniment for Live The QR10’s excellent sound quality makes it a super accompaniment tool for live
Performance performances, too. Sing, rap, or play along with the QR10 anywhere, anytime.