Problem Cause Remedy
No picture or sound. The number of the connected HDMI Disconnect some of the HDMI components.
components is over the limit.
The connected HDMI component does not Connect an HDM] component that supports HDCR 81
support high-bandwidth digital copyright
protection (HDCP).
Problem Cause Remedy
FM stereo reception is You are too far fronl tile station Check tile antenna connections. 18
noisy, transmitter or the input from the
Replace the outdoor antenna with a more
antenna is weak.
sensitive multi-element antenna.
Switch to monaural mode.
There is distortion, and
clear reception cannot
be obtained even with a
good FM antenna.
The desired station
cannot be tuned into
with the automatic
tuning method.
There is multi-path interference.
You are in an area far from a station or
an input from the antenna is weak.
Adjust the antenna height or orientation, or
place it in a different location.
The signal is weak or the antenna
connections are loose.
Replace an outdoor antenna with more
sensitive multi element antenna.
Tune in manually or by direct frequency
Adjust the AM loop antenna orientation.
Use the manual tuning method.
The desired station 18
cannot be tuned into
with the automatic
tuning method.
There are continuous Supplied AM loop antenna is not Connect tile AM loop antenna correctly even 18
AM crackling and hissing connected, if you use an outdoor antenna.
The noises may be caused by lightning, It is difficult to completely eliminate noise, 18
fluorescent lamps, motors, thermostats but it can be reduced by installing and
and other electrical equipment, properly grounding an outdoor AM antenna.
There are buzzing and A TV set is being used nearby. Move this unit away from the TV set.
whining noises.
Problem Cause Remedy
This unit cannot The radio station provides analog FM/AM Select other radio stations that provides the HD Radio 31
receive the HD Radio radio service only. service.
signals of the
Tile signal is too weak. Adjust the antenna position.
selected radio station.
Use a high-quality FM/AM antenna.
Set "Audio Mode" to "Auto". 48
"Audio Mode" in the Option menu is set
to "Mono".
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