
Multi-znne c,,m figurafinn ............................... 61
Music Video, sound field program ................ 26
MUTE indicutor, from p:mel displuy ............... 6
MUTE. _mote contrul .................................... 7
Nero6 Cinema. decoder ................................. 27
Nero6 Mnqc. decoder .................................... 27
Neural Snr., decoder ...................................... 27
Nmneric key, _x2molecontrol .......................... 7
ON SCREEN, remole c,,mtrol .......................... 7
OPTICAL jack ............................................... 13
OPTIMIZER MIC jack, front punel ................ 4
Option menn ................................................. 47
OPTION, remote conrail ................................. 7
P. Initial Delay, suund field parmneler .......... 51
P. Liveness, ,,uund field parmneter. ............... 51
P. Room Size. suund field parameter ............ 51
Pairing Bluetoofl'_ components ..................... 44
Pairing, Option merm ..................................... 49
Pan,,_rama, decoder parameter. ....................... 53
Parenlal Lock, Option menu .......................... 48
PHONES jack, fr,,mt par,el ............................... 4
PHONO jack. rear panel .................................. 5
Plating speaker .............................................. 10
PLII Game, decnder ....................................... 27
PLII Movie, decoder ...................................... 27
PLII Music', decoder ...................................... 27
PLllx Gmne, decoder .............................. 27
PLllx Movie, decoder. ................................... 27
PLllx Music, deco&r .................................... 27
Power cable connection ................................. 18
Puwer cable, rear panel .................................... 5
POWER, remote cuntrol .................................. 7
PRE OUT jack, tx?arpanel ............................... 5
Presence L Level, sound field parameter. ...... 52
Presence left speaker ..................................... 11
Presence R Level sound field parmneler ...... 52
Presence right speaker ................................... 11
PRESET <::3/ C>, front panel ........................ 4
Preset Search mode,
SIRIUS Smellite Radio ............................. 39
Deset Search mode, XM Satellile Radio ....... 35
Preset tuning .................................................. 29
Do Logic, decoder ......................................... 27
PROGRAM seleclor, front punel ..................... 4
Projeclor connecti,,m ...................................... 14
PURE DIRECT, fi.om panel ............................ 4
Rear panel ...................................................... 5
Receiving remote c,,mlrol signal .................... 17
Regislering input source,
SCENE fnnction ....................................... 23
Regislering S1RRJS Satellile Radio
channel ...................................................... 39
Regislering sound field progrmn,
SCENE fnnction ....................................... 23
Regislering XM Salellite Radio channel ....... 35
Remote control ................................................ 7
Remote control code _szselting ....................... 63
Remote control code setting .......................... 63
Remote contl_al 1D selting ............................. 64
Remote control sigr;ul lransmitter,
remole conlrol ............................................. 7
Remote control,
conlrdling olher component ..................... 63
Remote control, prepm'ation ............................ 9
Remote contl_al, tl_,ulblesbouti[lg ................... 73
Remote control use ......................................... 9
REMOTE 1D, advanced setup ....................... 64
REMOTE IN/OUT jack, _x?arpanel ................. 5
Repem playback, iPod .................................. 43
Repeat playback, USB storage device ........... 45
Repeat, Option mmm .................................... 4'-)
Reselting remole comrol code ...................... ..63
Resolution, HDMI, Function Setup ............ ..5g
RETURN, remote control ............................... .7
Reverb Delay, sound field parmneler ............. 52
Reverb Level, sound field parumeler .............52
Reverb Time, sound field parameler ..............52
Roleplayiug Game, sound field p_x_gram ...... 26
Romn Size, sound field pm'mneler ............... ..51
SCENE fimction ............................................. 22
SCENE 1R, adwmced selup ......................... ..64
SCENE, from palm ......................................... A
SCENE, remote control ................................... .7
Sci-Fi, ",onnd field p_s>grmn ........................... 25
Selecting inpul source on GU1 screen ............ 23
Selecting SCENE .............................................
Setling Parental Lock,
SIRIUS Satellite Radio ............................. .40
Setling _szrnoteconlrul code ......................... ..63
Setling _smlote conlrol 1D ............................... 64
Setup menu ................................................... ..54
Setup menu basic operalion ......................... ..55
Slmflle playback, iPod .................................. A3
Shuffle playback, USB storage device .......... A5
Sbuflle, Option menu .................................. ..49
Signal lnlo, Option menu ............................. ..48
SILENT CINEMA ....................................... ..28
SIRIUS indicator, l)'ont p:.mel display ............. .6
SIRIUS jack. rear punel ................................... .5
SIRIUS Salellire Radio tuning ....................... 37
SIRIUS Salellite Radio, lroublesho,,_ting .......72
SLEEP indicahtr, fi',,tm panel display ............... 6
Sleep limer ._................................................ ..46
SLEEP, remote c,,mlrol .................................... 7
Sound field parameter .................................... 50
Sound field program editing ......................... .51)
Sound field p_s>gramregistrafion,
SCENE fnncfion ...................................... 23
Sound selection keys, remole comical ............ .7
Sound Setup, Setup menn ............................ ..57
SOURCE POWER, remole comrol ................. 7
SP IMP., advanced setup ................................ 64
Speaker cable connection ...............................
Speaker Configuration, Manual Setup,
Speaker Setup .......................................... ..55
Speaker connection ....................................... 11
Speaker Dislance,
Manual Setup, Speaker Setup .................... 57
Speaker indicalor, fi.om panel display ............. .6
Speaker layout ................................................ 10
Sf,eaker Level. Munual Setnp,
Speaker Setup .......................................... ..57
Speaker placemem ........................................ l0
Speaker Setup, Sentp menu .......................... ..55
SPEAKERS terminal, rear panel .................... .5
Specificaliuns ...................................................
Spectacle, sound field program .................... ..25
Spurls, sotmd field prugmm ......................... ..26
SR PIN, adwmced ,,emp ............................... ..64
Standby Through, HDMI, Function Setup .....58
Smrighl decode ruode ................................... ..28
Slraighl Enh:mcer, sound field progm_m ......... 27
STRAIGHT, front punel ................................. A
Subwoofer ..................................................... 10
Snbwoufer Phase, Manual Setup,
Speaker Selup .......................................... ..57
Sur. Back Initial Delay,
sound field parmneler _.............................. 51
Sur. Back Liveness, sound field pm'mneler ....51
Sur. Back Room Size,
sound field parmneler _.............................. 51
Sur. Initial Delay, sound field parameter ....... 51
Sur. Liveness, sound field parmneler .............51
Sur. Room Size, sound field parmneler. ......... 51
Surround back left speaker ........................... 10
Surround Back Level,
sound field parmnelel ..................................
Stm_mnd back fight speaker ........................... 10
Stm_,mnd back speaker ................................... 10
Surround Back Speaker, ManuM Setup,
Speaker Setup .......................................... 56
Surround decuder editing ............................... 50
Surround L Level, sound field parameter ...... 52
Surround left speaker. .................................... 10
Surround R Level, sound field pm'ameter ...... 52
Surround righl speaker. .................................. 10
Surround Speaker, Mannal Setup,
Speaker Setup .......................................... 56
TAG indicalor, front panel display .................. 6
Test Tone, MannM Setup, Speaker Setup ...... 57
The Bottom Line, sound field progrmn ......._ 26
The Roxy Thealre, sound field progrmn ........ 26
Tune contrul ................................................... 23
TONE CONTROL, fi'ont panel ....................... 4
TRANSMIT, remote control .......................... 7
Transmitling _smaolecontrol qgnal ................ 17
TRIGGER OUT jack, rear panel ..................... 5
Tuner (FM/AM), mmblesbooting .................. 69
Tuner indicator, front panel display ............... 6
Tuner key, remole control ............................... 7
Tuning, AM .................................................. 29
Tuning, FM .................................................... 29
TUNING/CH <:? / C:>,front punel ................ 4
Turning off ..................................................... 18
Turning on ..................................................... 18
TV control key, remole control ....................... 7
TV monitor connection .................................. 14
Updating firmware ......................................... 64
USB port, front panel ....................................... 4
USB slorage device c,,mnection ..................... 17
USB slorage device playback ....................... 45
llSB, lronblesh,,mting .................................... 74
VER, advanced sentp ................................... 64
VIDEO (VIDEO AUX) jack, front punel ........ 4
V1DEO jack ................................................... 13
Video jack ...................................................... 13
Video Out, Option menu .............................. 49
Videok.ndi,,_ jack ............................................ 13
Virntal CINEMA DSP ................................... 28
VOLUME +/-, remole c,,mlrul ......................... 7
VOLUME c,,mtrol, front panel ........................ 4
VOLUME indicator, front panel display ..._._. 6
Vohnne Trim, Option menn ......................... 47
Volume, Function Setup ............................... 5'-)
XM ir;dicalor, front punel display .................... 6
XM jack, rear panel ......................................... 5
XM Salellite Radio tuning ............................. 33
XM Salellite Radim tronblesh,,_oling ............. 70
YPAO ............................................................ 19
YPAO, l_,tublesh,,toting ................................ 75
ZONE2 CONTROL, front panel .................... 4
ZONE2 indicatur, fi'ont panel di@ay ............ 6
Zone2 lnitiM Vulnme, Zone2,
Function Semp .......................................... 60
Zone2 Max Volume, Zone2,
Function Semp .......................................... 6(1
ZONE2 ON/OFF, front panel .......................... 4
ZONE2 OUT jack, _x?arpanel ......................... 5
Zone2, Fnnction Setup ................................... 60
84 En