
Effects Send Level 1 (reverb): 5BH
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
91 Effect-1 Depth 0 to 127
Default: 28H
Adjusts the reverb send level.
Effects Send Level 3 (chorus): 5DH
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
93 Effect-3 Depth 0 to 127
Default: 00H
Adjusts the chorus send level.
Effects Send Level 4 (variation): 5EH
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
94 Effect-4 Depth 0 to 127
Default: 00H
Adjusts the variation effect send level. Effective only if “Variation Connection = System”.
Data Increment/Decrement (RPN): 60H/61H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
96 RPN Increment 0 to 127
97 RPN Decrement 0 to 127
The data byte has no meaning.
This message adds or subtracts 1 to/from the Pitchbend Sensitivity, Fine Tune, and Coarse
Tune MSBs. Note that the Increment (Decrement) message will not change a setting that has
already reached its maximum (minimum) value. (Incrementation or decrementation of the
Fine Tune value never carries over to the Coarse Tune value.)
NRPN (Non-registered parameter number) LSB/MSB: 62H/63H
Cntrl# Parameter Data Range
98 NRPN LSB 0 to 127
99 NRPN MSB 0 to 127
If multipart parameter “Rcv NRPN” is OFF, the part ignores this message.
First send the NPRN MSB and LSB to select the control parameter, then set the value by
Data Entry.
Once you have selected an NRPN on a given channel, the channel will apply subsequent
Data Entry to the selected parameter. After making the necessary settings you should set RPN
to Null to reduce the risk of operational errors.