170 Chapter 14—Scene Memories
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
Recalling Scenes Safely
When a Scene is recalled, all mix parameters are set accordingly. However, in some situa-
tions, you can retain the current settings of certain parameters on certain channels by
using the Recall Safe function. You can set the Recall Safe function parameters for each
Scene individually or for all Scenes globally.
To set the Recall Safe function, press the DISPLAY ACCESS [SCENE] button repeatedly
until the Scene | Rcl Safe page appears.
A Global Recall Safe
When this check box is checked, Recall Safe settings stored in Scene memories are
ignored and the current settings are retained.
This parameter enables or disables the Recall Safe function.
The following MODE buttons determine which Safe channel parameters will remain
unaffected by Scene recalls. The MODE buttons correspond to the following parame-
• ALL ................................All parameters
• FADER...........................Channel faders
• ON.................................. Channel On/Off parameters
• PA N ................................Channel Pan parameters, Stereo Out balance
• EQ .................................. Channel EQ parameters
• COMP............................ Channel Comp parameters
• GATE .............................Channel Gate parameters
• AUX ...............................Channel Aux Send levels, Pre/Post
• AUX ON........................ Aux Send On/Off parameters
• DELAY...........................Channel Delay parameters
• ROUTING ....................Channel Routing parameters
This section enables you to select which channels will remain unaffected by Scene
recalls, including Input Channels 1–48, Bus Outs 1–8, Aux Outs 1–8, Stereo Out, each
Group Master, internal effects, USER DEFINED Remote layers, HA (AD8HR/AD824),
and plug-in effects. The Recall Safe function is effective on channels and functions for
which the buttons are turned on.
Tip: The ALL button is mutually exclusive of the other buttons.