202 Chapter 16—Automix
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
The following table shows how faders move in each Edit Out mode. You can set the
Return Time (time required by Input and Output Channel faders to return to the pre-
viously-recorded position) on the Fader1 or 2 page (see page 205).
This parameter determines how fader moves are rerecorded (it has no effect during the
first recording pass). You can select ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE.
In Absolute mode, fader moves are rerecorded as absolute values (existing fader data is
erased). In Relative mode, fader moves are rerecorded relative to the existing fader data.
Fader data includes Input Channel level, Bus Out master levels, Aux Out master levels,
the Stereo Out level, Remote layer faders.
The following table explains Fader Edit mode operation (TO END: off. Edit Out: off).
If you set this parameter to TOUCH, you can punch in and out the parameters selected
in the OVERWRITE section by just touching the fader knobs. If you set this parameter
to LATCH, you can only punch in the parameters (punch-out is disabled). If the Fader
Touch Sense parameter is set to “DISABLED,” on the Setup | Prefer2 page, this section is
grayed out.
Off Return Takeover
At the punch out point, the fader
remains at the same position until the
next fader event in the existing data
At the punch out point, the fader
returns to the position specified by the
existing fader data, at the speed speci-
fied by the Time parameter on the
Fader1 or 2 page.
At the punch out point, recording con-
tinues until the fader position intersects
the existing fader data. If you are still
touching the fader knob at the actual
punch out point, the fader is disabled
until you release it.
In this example, punch out was per-
formed by pressing the [AUTO] button,
and the fader was moved manually
between the specified punch out point
and actual punch out point.
Absolute Relative
Fader edits are recorded as absolute values and
existing fader data between the punch in and out
points is erased.
Fader edits are rerecorded relative to the existing
fader data.
Punch in Punch out
Existing data
Fader edit
Existing data
Return time
Punch in Punch out
Fader edit
Punch in Punch out
Existing data
Fader edit
Actual punch out
Punch in Punch out
Existing data
Fader edit
Punch in Punch out
Existing data
Fader edit