b Command - 2D Bar Code - MaxiCode Specific Options
= x,y
Associated MaxiCode symbol numbering
x = Symbol Number of
y = Total Number of Associated Sym
Default: Not used
Range: 1-8 for both x or y
Mode Dependent Data Format
Mode dependent data is bounded by quotation
marks. Maximum of 2 KBytes of data.
Mode Data Format
2 & 3 “cl,co,pc,lpm”
4 & 6 “lpm”
cl = Class Code (3 digits required)
co = Country Code (3 digits required)
Mode 2 = Numeric Characters
Mode 3 = International Characters
(up to 6 characters)
pc = Postal Code
Mode 2 = 5 or 9 characters
(All Numeric, including USA
Postal ZIP 5 or 9 char.)
For less than 9 characters, the
printer will pad the field with 0’s.
Mode 3 (International)= Any
alphanumeric character
(up to 6 characters)
lpm = Low priority message (data)
ASCII printable characters (up to
84 characters per symbol), any
256 character map.
The programmer should rely on the symbology's
specification to insure format compliance and
proper implementation. See the AIM web site
for specifications at:
980352-001 Rev.A