b Command - 2D Bar Code - PDF417 Specific Options
The following parameters may be omitted and de
fault values will automatically be inserted. Each pa
rameter value (data string) must be proceeded by its
associated command prefix character.
(s) = sets error correction level
Error Correction codewords per symbol
Values: s1 - s8
If level is not specified, a level will automati
cally be assigned as per the following table:
EC level EC Codewords Auto Select Level
02 —
1 4 0-31
2 8 32-63
3 16 64-127
4 32 128-255
5 64 256-511
6 128 512-928
7 256 —
8 512 —
(c) = selects data compression method
Values: 0 or 1, default is 0
c0 = Auto-encoding
c1 = Binary mode
Data Type Compression (Byte by Byte)
Text 2 Characters per codeword
Numeric 2.93 Characters per codeword
Binary 1.2 Bytes per codeword
(pxxx,yyy,mm) = print human readable
This parameter is a non-standard implemen
tor of the PDF417 and is only
recommended for troubleshooting purposes.
Additional variables:
p ="p" - parameter identifier
xxx = horizontal start location
yyy = vertical start location
mm = maximum characters per line
980352-001 Rev.A