RMAN-QLS-002 rev. A Repair Procedures • 2-46 •
Sense cable off the bottom of the Printer Frame (#4 below).
10. Remove the Media Cover. Using a 3/32” hex driver, push the Hinge Pin out of
the Printer Frame, and then lift the Media Cover from the Printer Frame.
Installing the Media Cover
1. Feed the Bar Sense Cable through the slot in the Printer Frame as shown.
2. Align the Media Cover with the Printer Frame and slide the Hinge Pin through
the Media Cover and Printer frame. Center the pin.
Slide the hinge pin behind the Bar Sense Cable.
3. Peel the backing off the bar sensor cable and adhere it in the groove on the bot-
tom of the Printer Frame.
4. Install the Printer Frame in the Lower Housing.
Avoid putting excess strain on the remaining cables connected to the MLB.
5. Plug the Bar Sensor Cable into J2 (BAR) on the MLB and lock the connector.
6a. If necessary, re-install the Platen and Gear and/or the Peeler Bar or Scraper on
Media Cover
Hinge Pin
Slide Hinge Pin Behind Flex Circuit.
Printer Frame