• 2-79 • RMAN-QLS-002 rev. A Repair Procedures
3. Install the Printhead Assembly
• Follow the procedure for installing the Printhead Assembly in AN16861-027 for
QL 320 or AN16753-006 for QL 420.
• Secure the ground strap from the Bar Sensor Cable to the Printhead Assem-
bly with the screw retained from when it was removed.
• Install the Printhead Springs
4. Install the Latch Assembly
• Follow the procedure for installing the Latch Assembly as detailed in AN
16861-025 for QL 320 or AN 16753-011 for QL 420.
• Ensure the Latch Spring is properly held in place on the Printer Frame.
• Verify proper operation of the Latch Assembly.
5. Install the Printer Frame and Media Cover assembly into the Lower Cover.
• Ensure that the Motor Cable and Bar Sense Cable and (optional) Media Width
Sensor Cable will not be pinched between the Printer Frame and the Lower
Printer Frame
Gap Sensor Cable (part of Media
Media Assembly
Screw (2 places)