48 Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide
Display Shows Action/Explanation
Setting Network ID: Press the DECREMENT (–) key to move to the next digit
position, press the INCREMENT (+) key to increase the value of the digit.
Default: 000
Range: 000 - 999
Network ID is used to assign a unique number to a printer used in an RS-422/
RS-485 network. This gives the host computer the means to address a specific
printer. If the printer is used in a network, you must select a network ID number.
This does not affect TCP/IP or IPX networks.
Setting Communications Mode: Press the INCREMENT (+) or DECREMENT
(–) key to display other choices.
Default: Normal mode
Selections: Normal mode, diagnostics
The communication diagnostics mode is a troubleshooting tool for checking the
interconnection between the printer and the host computer. When “diagnostics”
is selected, all data sent from the host computer to the printer is printed as
straight ASCII hex characters. The printer prints all characters received
including control codes, like CR (carriage return). A sample printout is shown in
Figure 33 on page 79.
NOTES on diagnostic printouts:
• FE indicates a framing error.
• OE indicates an overrun error.
• PE indicates a parity error.
• NE indicates noise.
For any errors, check that your communication parameters are correct. Set the
print width equal to or less than the label width used for the test. See
page 42 for more information.