Zebra Z4M/Z6M Printers User’s Guide 55
Table 2 provides a recommended cleaning schedule. Specific cleaning procedures are
provided on the following pages.
CAUTION: Use only the cleaning agents indicated. Zebra Technologies
Corporation will not be responsible for damage caused by any other
cleaning fluids used on the Z4M or Z6M printer.
Table 2
Area Method Interval
Printhead Solvent* Direct Thermal Mode: After every roll of
media (or 500 feet of fanfold media).
Thermal Transfer Mode: After every roll of
ribbon or three rolls of media.
These intervals are intended as guidelines only.
You may have to clean more often, depending
upon your application and media.
Platen roller Solvent*
Media sensors Air blow
Ribbon sensor Air blow
Media path Solvent*
Ribbon path Solvent*
Pinch roller. (Optional value peel-off
option required. See Figure 26.)
If cutting continuous,
pressure-sensitive media
Solvent* After every roll of media (or more often,
depending upon your application and media).
If cutting tag stock or label
liner material
and air
After every two or three rolls of media.
Tear-off/peel-off bar Solvent* Once a month.
Take label sensor Air blow Once every six months.
* Zebra recommends using 90% isopropyl alcohol as the solvent.