Rev. 1.00
Set black mark control functions.
▪ This command performs various functions to control the black mark(BM)
paper as follows:
▪ This command is effective only when the BM(black mark) sensor is
▪ This command is stored in the receive buffer and processed in FIFO so
that the delay in execution of this command might be occurred.
(pL + pH × 256) = 4 (pL = 4, pH = 0)
m = 2
a = 0, 48
0 ≤ (nL + nH × 256) ≤ 65535 (0 ≤ nL ≤ 255, 0 ≤ nH ≤ 255)
nL=0, nH=0
▪ This command sets the value for the adjustment of paper cutting position
after sensing BM.
- pL, pH specifies (pL + pH × 256) as the number of bytes after pH (m, a,
nL, and nH)
- nL, nH specifies [(nL + nH × 256) × vertical motion units] as the
adjustment value.
▪ This command affects to the cutting operations as follows:
- Paper cut by GS V m n.
- Paper cut after paper feeding triggered by the paper FEED button.
- Paper cut after initializing the BM.(optional)
- Paper cut after paper feeding with the cover closed.(optional)
▪ This command is only effective for the forward paper feeding.
▪ The maximum adjustable length is 400 mm. If the adjustment value to be
specified exceeds the maximum value, the adjustment value is
automatically set to the maximum value.