
108 Zebra ZXP Series 7 Card Printer User’s Manual P1036101-002
5: ZXP Series Toolbox
Check Firmware Updates: To use this option, you must have an internet connection.
1. Click the Check Updates button; then enter the Server name, User name, and
Password in the Ftp Login pop-up; and click the OK button.
2. Observe the firmware update file(s) displayed in the Filename listing; then select the
desired update file from the list; and click the Download File button.
3. As the file is downloaded, observe the % complete bar.
4. Click the OK button when the Download completed pop-up appears.
5. Read the ZXP Toolbox caution message. If you are satisfied with the download,
click on the OK button to install the firmware; otherwise, click the Cancel button to
abandon the firmware installation.
Lookup Tables
A Look-Up Table (LUT) is used to transform a range of input colors into a range of output
colors. Use this Toolbox option to save and install LUTs, either Default or Custom.
To install a Custom LUT:
1. Click the Custom LUT radio button.
2. Click the Download selected LUT button.
3. From the Browse window, locate and select the Custom LUT; e.g.,
C:\ProgramData\ZXP Series 7\LUTs\ <filename >.
4. Click the Open button.
5. Click the OK button when the LUT installed successfully pop-up appears.
To save the current LUT, either Default or Custom:
1. Click the Save Installed LUT to Host button.
2. From the Browse window, name the LUT, and specify the desired saved-file location
e.g., C:\ProgramData\ZXP Series 7\LUTs.
3. Click the Save button.
To install/reinstall the Default LUT:
1. Click the Default LUT radio button.
2. Click the Download selected LUT button.
3. Click the OK button when the LUT installed successfully pop-up appears.