
192 Zebra ZXP Series 7 Card Printer User’s Manual P1036101-002
E: Smart Card Options
SDK Support
The ZMotif SDK supports the following features:
Retrieve contact and contactless smart card module enumerated names.
Establish a connection to the encoder.
Disconnect from the encoder.
The SDK includes C# and VB.Net sample code for the following functions to be performed
over the network; i.e., encoding over Ethernet:
Contact encoding (write to the entire memory of the card, read back the data, and verify
the data was written correctly to the card).
Contactless encoding (write to the entire memory of the card, read back the data, and
verify the data was written correctly to the card).
Contact smart card encoding + single side print.
Contact smart card encoding + dual side print.
Contactless smart card encoding + single side print.
Contactless smart card encoding + dual side print.
The ZMotif SDK includes a technical specification highlighting the recommended system
architecture solutions for Encoding over Ethernet and the expected throughput performance
of these solutions to include single-job encoding and printing and multiple-job encoding
and printing.
Refer to ZMotif SDK Software Developers Reference Manual P1004475-002 or higher
for details.