
Prestige 100 and 100IH ISDN Router and Router/Hub
System Maintenance 10-3
Table 10-1 System Maintenance - Status Menu Fields
Field Description
Chan Shows statistics for B1 and B2 channels respectively. This is the
information displayed for each channel:
Shows the name of the remote node or the user the channel is
currently connected to or the status of the channel (Down, Idle,
Calling or Answering).
Type The current connecting speed (56K or 64K).
TXPkt The number of transmitted packets on this channel.
RXPkt The number of received packets on this channel.
Error The number of error packets on this channel.
CLU (Current Line Utilization) percentage of current bandwidth used on
this channel
ALU (Average Line Utilization) a 5-second moving average of channel
usage for this channel.
Up Time Time this channel has been connected to the current remote node.
Total Outgoing call
Shows the total outgoing call time for both B1 and B2 channels since
the system has been powered up.
Status Shows the current status of the Ethernet link.
TX Pkt The number of transmitted packets to LAN.
RX Pkt The number of received packets from LAN.
Collision Number of collisions.
Chan 1 IP Addr Refers to the IP address of the Prestige on Channel 1.
Chan 2 IP Addr Refers to the IP address of the Prestige on Channel 2.
Chan 1 CLID Shows the Caller ID of the peer on Channel 1.
Chan 2 CLID Shows the Caller ID of the peer on Channel 2.