
Prestige 100 and 100IH ISDN Router and Router/Hub
Internet Access 3-9
Table 3-4 Internet Access Setup Menu Fields
ISP’s Name Enter the name of your Internet Service Provider, e.g., myISP.
This information is for identification purposes only.
ISP IP Addr Enter the IP Address of the remote gateway at the ISP’s site. If
you don’t have this data, just leave it blank.
Pri Phone and Sec
Phone Number
Both the Primary and the Secondary Phone number refer to the
number that the Prestige dials to connect to the ISP.
My Login Name Enter the login name given to you by your ISP.
My Password Enter the password associated with the login name above.
Single User Account Please see the following section for a more detailed discussion
on the Single User Account feature. The default is Yes.
This field specifies the type of connection between the Prestige
and this remote node. Select 64K, or Leased.
Multilink The Prestige uses the PPP Multilink Protocol (PPP/MP) to
bundle multiple links in a single connection to boost the effective
throughput between two nodes. This option is only available if
the transfer type is 64K. See menu 11.2 for more details.
Idle Timeout This value specifies the number of idle seconds that elapses
before the remote node is automatically disconnected. Idle
seconds is the period of time when no data is transmitted from
your Prestige. Administrative packets such as RIP are not
counted as data. The default is 100 seconds. This option only
applies when the Prestige initiates the call.
At this point, the SMT will ask if you wish to test the Internet connection. If you select Yes,
your Prestige will call the ISP to test the Internet connection. If the test fails, note the error
message that you receive on the screen and take the appropriate troubleshooting steps.