Chapter 16 Groups
Media Server User’s Guide
Click the Add Group button in the Groups screen to open the following screen. Click the Edit
Group button in the screen shown previously to edit an existing group.
Figure 196 Sharing > Groups > Add or Edit a Group
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
16.3.2 Group Names
Enter a group name from 1 to 32 characters. The first character must be alphabetical (case
insensitive, [A-Z a-z]); numeric characters are not allowed as the first character.
The group name can only contain the following characters:
• Alphanumeric A-z 0-9. Unicode usernames are supported with CIFS logins, but not FTP or web
configurator logins.
• _ [underscores]
•. [periods]
•- [dashes]
Other limitations on group names are:
• All leading and trailing spaces are removed automatically.
Table 104 Sharing > Groups > Add or Edit a Group
Group Name Type a name from 1 to 32 single-byte (no Chinese characters allowed for
example) ASCII characters. See Section 16.3.2 on page 309 for more details on
group names.
Group Membership Use this field to assign group membership to individual users.
Available User(s) This field lists the user accounts created on the NSA that are not members of the
current group.
Group Membership This field lists the user accounts added to the group.
Add Selected User(s) Select a user account from the Available Users list and click this to add the
account to the group.
Remove Selected
Select a user account from the Group Membership list and click this to remove
the account from the group.
Apply Click this to save your changes.
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen without saving.