Media Server User’s Guide 341
Protecting Your Data
19.1 Overview
This chapter compares the different ways of protecting data on the NSA and explains how to use
backup management software included on the CD.
19.2 Protection Methods
There are a variety of ways to protect your data on the NSA. Below is a summary table of what can
be done in each situation.
The following sections describe these methods in more detail. See Section 8.6.3 on page 171 for
more information on RAID.
19.3 Configuration File Backup and Restoration
Use the Maintenance > Configuration menus to create a file of your NSA configurations such as
passwords, shares and volumes created, network settings and so on. If you’re going to do some
major configuration changes, then it is advisable to create a configuration backup file. If things go
wrong after you make the configuration changes, you can always go back to the previous
configuration by restoring an earlier configuration file.
Table 125 Overview of Protection Methods
Unexpected NSA behavior after configuration
Back up the NSA configuration file before you make
major configuration changes.
Need to transfer data from your computer to the
NSA after volume(s) have been created
Backup your data to a computer or other storage
Data infected by virus Use anti-virus software on your computer to scan files
before saving them onto the NSA. Although this may be
slow so you may want to schedule it to occur while no
one is using the NSA.
Use a firewall with anti-virus capability on your network.
Hard drive malfunction. Use RAID.
NSA malfunction
Network down
Natural disaster such as a fire or earthquake occurs
where your NSA is located
Back up data to another NSA or external USB hard